
Salutations to my Morris Brandon Bees. I am beyond excited to join the Morris Brandon family for the 2018-2019 school year. We hit the ground running so I apologize that this is my first opportunity to formally introduce myself. I am Dwight Hutson and I will be the program administrator at the primary campus.

Nuernberg American High School, Furth, Germany

I am transitioning to Morris Brandon from Sutton Middle School where I was an assistant principal for 6 years. Prior to that, I was the first (and only) Model Teacher for World Languages in the Office of High Schools. I taught all levels of high school Spanish and elementary ESOL in several schools. I am a true technology lover and was a learning technology specialist for a brief moment in my career. I love teaching. I love students and I cannot wait for the year to begin.

On a personal note, I am a father of 7 so I truly understand the parent perspective in a variety of arenas. I am a military brat that has traveled the world as a youngster. Visiting and living in different countries sparked a passion for traveling and learning about different cultures that will never be extinguished in my life. My hobbies are technology, photography, gadget shopping and hiking.

I am looking forward to a dynamic year of learning and fun! Please stop by the office to introduce yourself and chat! Let's have a great year!
