2019-2020 Week 1

Week 1
We made it! This first week of school felt like we had additional days in it. I truly appreciate everyone that pitched in to make it a success. The students were full of energy, expectations were established and students were excited about learning in your classes. Keep up the good work! 

Fire Drill
We will have our first fire drill today. Please follow the procedures we reviewed during pre-planning and use the field assignments found here. Please see Mr. Hutson if you have any questions!

Brandon on the News
In case you missed it, Morris Brandon was featured on 11 Alive News. Crash Clark stopped by to motivate our students and get them ready for the 2019-2020 school year.

Calendar 2019-2020
Please use the 6 Day A/B Rotation Calendar to keep track of the specials rotation and intervention block. You can add the calendar to your list of calendars by clicking the plus sign on the bottom right. You may also view the calendar by clicking here
