Awesome Autumn Adventures


The Beesness

Volume 2021-2022 Issue 1 
October 26, 2021

Thank You Beloved Colleagues

I was elated and overjoyed on Bosses Day this year.  Thank you for the thoughtful gifts, cards and warm sentiments. I often reflect on how you (the teachers and staff) make this an enjoyable and fun job. Thanks again and please know that I appreciate you.

Welcome to our New Assistant Principal

Please join us in welcoming our new Assistant Principal Mrs. Nail. If she looks familiar, that is because she conducted some professional learning sessions with us before. She has a ton of experience with reading, social studies and technology. She will definitely be an asset to the team. 

She will be visiting classes and getting to know all of you.

Walk to School Day

Walk to school day was incredibly fun. I felt a bit of nostalgia as every day was a "walk to school day" for me. We look forward to this tradition returning twice a year. The next Walk to School Day will be  April 13, 2022.

TKES Observations

It's that time of the year again! TKES time. If you have a particular lesson you would like me to see, please let me know and I will make every attempt to observe you on that day. If you do not inform me of a date and time, I will let you know when I will be observing.

Fire Drills

The October fire drill went well. Students exited the building in approximately 4 minutes. We would love it if the time keeps improving. Remember to take your red emergency book bags and utilize your drill cards (red, yellow and green). Don't forget to write the total number of students you have on your cards.  

We will have a severe weather drill in November and resume our monthly fire drill in December.

Kindergarten Hispanic Heritage Recital

The kindergarten DLI team and specialists put on a spectacular show. We had some guests visit from the Mexican Consulate that played games with the students and taught them about Mexico. It was a fantastic way to end the month long celebration. 

There were several other celebrations, luncheons and presentations that occurred during the month. Thank you to our DLI team and everyone else that assisted with making this month very informative about Latin American heritage and culture. Please click play below to view the recital.

SAMR Model

A couple of weeks ago, our ETS Dominique Harbour shared with us a tech tool known as the SAMR model. If you were not able to take a look at the model, please click here to familiarize yourself with the SAMR model and how it drives online learning. In an effort to implement this model, Dominique will be popping in classrooms to do informal/nonevaluative SAMR observations and providing valuable feedback. Please note that the observations are for support and intended to aid us in effective technology integration. 

Other Reminders:

  • Complete your ethics training!
  • Remind students that they are not allowed to bring toys to school.
  • Dwight does not have good cell phone reception in the building. Please call the main office for emergencies.
