New Beginnings for 2022

Time to Reflect: First Semester Flashback

Thank you for your diligence, dedication and labor of love. It was a joy to be back in the building with the children and it couldn't have happened without you. The first semester was as close to normal as possible. Let's take a look back at first semester and reflect on the fun and smiles that we brought to the children! 

I also must express my gratitude to Mr. Bland, Ms. Small, Ms. Ekpere and everyone that took on extra responsibilities or lent a helping hand during my absence this year. I appreciate all of you. 

Breakfast, Lunch and Allergies

If you have students that have allergies or require special diets, please inform their parents/guardians that they need to go to the following link: and contact Jennifer Mains. The Office of School Nutrition will coordinate with Brandon's cafeteria staff to account for the students and provide alternative meals.

Duties Update

Students will continue to eat lunch in the cafeteria this semester. I have updated the duty roster to include one teacher that will work with Ms. Thomas, our cafeteria monitor, each day. Please view the updated lunch duty assignments here and begin reporting to duty on Thursday, January 12, 2022.

Town Halls: Student Behavior

We will be hosting student behavior town halls during lunch next week. I intend to discuss bus behavior, kindness, appropriate cafeteria behavior, recess, Pokemon cards, toys and other issues. Please send me any major concerns that you would like me to address with the students and I will add it to the presentation.

1/18/2022 Tuesday - 2nd Grade
1/19/2022 Wednesday - 1st Grade
1/20/2022 Thursday - Kindergarten/PreK

Prohibiting Pokemon

Please remind students that Pokemon Cards are not allowed at school. A message was sent via the BeeMail to parents so students should not be surprised when you tell them. Please continue to monitor the students and ensure that they are not bringing nor trading cards at school.

TKES Midyear

TKES Midyear sign off is due by January 21, 2022. If I am your evaluator, please see me as soon as possible so we can have your midyear conference. We will discuss your data and subgroups during our meeting. Also, please remember to bring anything that you would like to share with me.

Pick up Times

I need everyone to make certain they are picking up their students on time from lunch and specials. The schedule is tight and there is a domino effect when just one teacher is late picking up their classes. We appreciate your timeliness moving forward.

SAMR Observations

Do you remember SAMR? It's the awesome tool that will aid us with technology integration in the classroom. Ms. Harbour and I will be conducting SAMR observations during the next few weeks. These observations will  be nonevaluative and are meant to provide us with data on how Ms. Harbour can best support you.

Thanks for everything you do on a daily basis. I appreciate you more than you know. Let's have a great second semester. As always, please stop by if you need my support or assistance.
