Racing Towards Spring


Spring is approaching quickly. Soon, flowers and pollen will be upon us. Are we prepared for the upcoming days? Be mindful that as the weather gets warmer so does the behavior of the students. We have noticed an increase of students going to the bathroom and the nurse. Some of the students are using the opportunity to leave class as a means of avoiding work and completing tasks. Keep an eye on students that frequently ask to leave for any reason. We can discuss individual students as necessary but our primary goal is to keep them in class as much as possible.

During recess, do not allow students to play tackle football. If they are playing touch and you notice that it progresses to tackle, stop the game. We have also had numerous complaints about bad sportsmanship and conduct. Students are getting angry and insulting or getting physical with one another. We are going to curtail this behavior. 

During SEL, speak to the students about relationship skills and responsible decision making as it relates to recess and good sportsmanship. I will visit recess more often and talk with students as needed.


Shout out to the kindergarten team who is knocking GKIDS out of the park. All students were assessed on time and we are ready to finish up the final phase. Keep up the good work.

A Return to Nature

First grade had their first field trip for the year. Students enjoyed learning about nature and animals at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. Students were super engaged, asked lots of questions and were brave enough to touch a snake. Many students expressed how they were most excited about riding the bus! 

A special thanks to Ms. Banks and the cafeteria staff for organizing lunch for the field trip. 

Young Meteorologists @ Brandon

Thanks to Mrs. Gaither for organizing a captivating visit from meteorologist Jonathan Stacey of Fox 5 News. The students really enjoyed learning about cloud formations and the weather. 

Ms. Gaither along with support from Ms. Harbour and Mr. DeCarlo leveled up using the SAMR model and created weather reports. The students worked in teams that consisted of a researcher, script writer, cameraman and meteorologist to complete this task that is at the redefinition tier of the SAMR Model. Take a look at one of the completed projects below.

Social Studies

Mrs. Cusack, Mrs. Byrd and Ms. Burch were visited by a team from central office and received a glowing review. The team enjoyed the implementation of IB, students speaking from different perspectives and the use of map skills as students discussed various locations in the United States.
